Recherche des Utilitaires pour NeoGeo

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GnGeoFrontend0.4C'est un frontend pour GnGeo programmé en Java.01/09/200690Image
XGngeo16 betaXGngeo is a full-featured frontend frontend (GUI) written in Python and that uses the PyGTK library to provides toward end users a practical and user-friendly GTK2 interface over Gngeo which is a fast and powerful command line Neo Geo emulator for the GNU/Linux and FreeBSD systems (and may be some other Unices). Both are free/libre software released under the GNU GPL license . With XGngeo multiple configuration panels, designed in an intuitive way, emulator behaviour can be regulated precisely and easily in the same time (and specificaly for each ROM if desired!); while ROM selection is made simple thanks to a complete list with preview image and various game information, etc. Multilingual Current version of XGngeo is translated in the following languages: Brazilian, English, French, German, Polish and Spanish.31/08/200680Image
XnGeo0.2XnGeo est un frontend pour Linux developpe en python Gtk2 pour l'emulateur GnGeo31/12/200580Image
GGF0.5C'est un frontend pour GnGeo 0.7 qui marche avec Java 1.5. Par contre, il ne fonctionne que sur Linux.18/10/200660Image